Dear Casmona Hotel, I just discovered that you are no more a part of Camogli, and sure I will miss you.
I just published my novel Lasting Photographs and I was looking for the address of the Casmona Hotel in Camogli, to send a copy to the owner Alessandro Machi, since his hotel was mentioned in the book and is part of the story. But I found out the Casmona closed few years ago.
I was looking for the right words to express my homage to a great place, but the only thing coming to my mind right now is a long venting against the absurde laws and regulations killing all the small business in Italy, and the people and philosophy that created them and killed the medium class.
So, goodbye Casmona, here is my photographic tribute to what I considered a great place to stay every time I went to Camogli.
All the pictures are of the hotel or taken from it’s balconies and windows.
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