Here my books. Click on the images to buy.
Nim 148 - a Zine

Black and White Tales, winner of the Gold Prize at the Budapest International Photo Awards.
Lasting Photographs, a novel.
"This book just kept getting better and better! Lasting Photographs follows a young pilot and his new love through their adventure in discovering what a box full of old photographs mean, what happened to the people in them, and the people who took the photos. From Florida to Italy, Morocco to Brazil, Panama to Cuba and through the decades, Lasting Photographs takes you on a journey you will never forget, a story of two romances, two pilots, two heroes. The ending brought tears to my eyes, and it will yours too. A very moving novel about love, freedom, friendship, honor, and courage."
Dan P. Bullard - Author of The Reluctant Road Warrior

Ink-Jet Fine Art Printing: The F Manual
The books is an introduction to fine art ink-jet printing. With this book you will learn all the basics to start to print fine art photographs. Content:
- Why to print
- Ink-jet technology and its history
- Different kind of inks and their specifics
- Paper, canvas, other substrates and their characteristics
- Consumer advice
- Color profiles, what they are and how they work
- A deeper look at ICC profiles
- How to practically use the ICC color profiles
- Optimize the workflow for printing
- How to set the options in the printer interface
- How to take care of your printer
- Beyond the “correct” print
- Ink-jet fine art printing in black and white
- An example of the journey from pixels to pigments
- Some general rules for retouching images
- Protect and presenting the prints
- Build the optimal lightroom
- Resources to learn more

Photography: The F Manual
The book contains the essential basic concepts to understand the photographic process. The author is explaining all the concepts and rules photography is based on, giving a general theory.
Luigi's book talks about everything from f stops to file formats, the difference between JPG and TIF and how image scaling and DPI relate. His section on how camera, computer monitor and printer color calibration works is explained so well, you'll never forget it (just think toast). It even has in-depth explanations on photo composition, HDR (High Dynamic Range) photography, depth of field, printing your images, publishing, and more.

La Stampa Fine Art a Getto di Inchiostro (in Italian)
Il libro introduce tutti i concetti che serve conoscere per dedicarsi alla stampa fine art a getto di inchiostro. Alla prima parte teorica seguono esempi pratici di flusso di lavoro corretto. Un manuale per capire l'arte della stampa fotografica a getto di inchiostro.
Argomenti trattati:
Perche` stampare
La tecnologia
Gli inchiostri
I supporti
La stampante
I profili ICC
Gestione colori
Il workflow di stampa
La stampa fine art
Il bianconero
La camera chiara
Finitura ed esposizione
…e tanto altro

Pensieri Fotografici: maditazioni politicamente scorrette di un fotografo in sciopero

Wisconsin Ginseng
One Year in Paradise
Bovisium Infrarubra
Travel Notes
Archeologia Industriale nel territorio di Boves