Today PhaseOne released the version 10 of CapturOne, I still have to test in deep the new version and I plan to do some tutorials about it in the next days (yes, Christmas time is perfect to work on more personal projects) but for now I want to tell why I switched from Adobe ACR (or Lightroom) to CaptureOne. As many photographers I never explored RAW converters before, everybody was using Adobe, I was using Adobe. Photoshop is really a standard in image editing and I used it to retouch my scanned images well before the digital cameras became the norm. When I got my first digital it was the normal choice to convert the RAW in ACR, and I continued for years with the same workflow. When I changed from film to digital I was stuck in photographic mental crisis. With film I used the Fuji Provia a lot for my commercial assignments, and that was meaning the need to be able to have perfect light and exposure. The tolerance of the Provia was a maximum of a third of a stop, and to be precise, when I used it in the view camera, I considered the tenth of […]